It’s Friday and the end to another week in quarantine. It’s been 3 weeks so far for my boys and myself. The boys finally got some online schooling this week which has lessened the load of homeschooling just a little bit. Also, the weather has been amazing and we have been trying to be outside as much as possible. Just trying to think of the positive stuff this week. I have also been trying to keep up with drawing as much as I can. Like I said before, it’s been really hard to get motivation to do so. I have been getting so tired of watching all the news and updates every day constantly. But I do enjoy all the stories of people helping one another out and being kind to one another. It’s nice for a change! So I drew this drawing from being inspired by all the stories that I have been hearing. I drew it digitally and just wanted a cheery spring drawing that is positive and will just make you smile. I hope this brings a smile to your face and encourages you to do something kind for someone else. Enjoy!