Green Field of Flowers

Hey everyone! It was a busy but fun weekend for my family. We have been painting trim in our house trying to eliminate all traces of the eighties from my house…lol! It’s been a project! Slowly bur surely we are getting it tackled. We also had a small birthday party for my niece at our house. She is turning 11 and starting middle school this year, so we wanted to make sure she had a fun celebration with swimming, pizza, cake and ice cream. It was a good change of pace with everything that is going on. It felt great celebrating something! This drawing was created this past week between projects. I think I have flowers on the brain. I have definitely been drawing inspiration from them on my past couple of pieces. I drew these whimsical flowers digitally using Procreate. I also used green as the primary color because it’s my all time favorite color. It soothes my soul! I hope you all enjoy this little bit of whimsy!