Digital Cartoon Floral Pet Portraits

Hi everyone! Life has been really busy lately. Luckily, we took a vacation in between. So this post is a late post. I made these really cute digital portraits of my pups and wanted to make sure I shared them to the site. If you are interested in having one commissioned, please send me a message. I can create a digital file in the size you need to get printed. They were so fun to create!

Winter Fox Floral

Hey everyone! The creative juices have been flowing and I present to you this cute little fox. I really loved how the Winter Deer Floral piece turned out that I wanted to do a fox. I like that this artwork feels like winter and the beginning of spring. Which gives me hope that Spring will be here soon. All my favorite colors in one artwork. These colors definitely speak to my soul. Hopefully the creative juices will keep producing new artwork to show you all. Enjoy!

Winter Deer Surrounded By Flowers

Hello everyone! I hope everyone has had a great week. It’s cold here in Kansas City and is definitely feeling like winter. I think the winter blues have been rubbing off on my new artwork. A lot of the color schemes have been dark, moody and full of cool color schemes. This piece of artwork is definitely that! I wanted to create a new piece featuring a deer and wanted it to include what I love to draw best….flowers. It is probably one of my favorite pieces that I have created in a long time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it! More new artwork coming soon!

January Floral Blues

Hey everyone! I hope everyone’s January is treating them well so far. As promised, here is new artwork! My goal for this year is to create more new artwork then I was able to last year. So far, I’m off to a good start. I wanted to create a floral pattern that had a blue color scheme since we are still in the dead middle of winter. I love how it turned out. I just uploaded this design in my shops. Enjoy!

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Hello 2023

Hey everyone! It’s the new year! Another year has come and gone. This year is not a year that I would like to happen again…to be honest. We had many funerals and I also had to have surgery, which was really scary. But this year will be a new fresh year! My goal this year is to get back on track and create more new art. The past couple of years, my creativity has hit an all time low. But I’m hoping this year that will all turn around. I hope everyone had a great holiday and has an amazing new year!

Hand Painted Christmas Ornaments 2022

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted much in a while. I spent the month of October creating hand painted ornaments for my Etsy shop. I have them all completed and have posted them all in my shop. I have some that are single ornaments and some that are sets. They all have free shipping. Remember to support local businesses and artists this holiday season! I would love for you to check them out!

Shop my Etsy Christmas Shop:

Fall Flowers

Hi everyone! I can’t believe it’s already November! October flew by way too fast and it was all a blur. Here is a fun doodle I did during the past month celebrating all the fall colors and flowers. Fall is the best season! Enjoy!

Creeping Snail

Hey everyone! The cooler weather this week has definitely got me excited for fall. I chose to do this new piece of art with all the fall colors that I love. I decided to put a cute little snail creeping through a bunch of flowers. It turned out really cute. The colors just scream fall. I just put this little guy up in my Society6 and Redbubble shops on cute clothes and products. Definitely check it out!

Shop Creeping Snail on Society6-

Shop Creeping Snail on Redbubble-