Spring Fluffy Sheep
Hey everyone! Here is a fun sketch that I did while on a rode trip. I was inspired by a piece of art that I saw in Kansas City's River Market. I love fluffy sheep and knew that I wanted
Winter Fox Floral
Hey everyone! The creative juices have been flowing and I present to you this cute little fox. I really loved how the Winter Deer Floral piece turned out that I wanted to do a fox. I like that this artwork
Winter Deer Surrounded By Flowers
Hello everyone! I hope everyone has had a great week. It's cold here in Kansas City and is definitely feeling like winter. I think the winter blues have been rubbing off on my new artwork. A lot of the color
January Floral Blues
Hey everyone! I hope everyone's January is treating them well so far. As promised, here is new artwork! My goal for this year is to create more new artwork then I was able to last year. So far, I'm off
100 Years Loved
Hey everyone! I know, it's been a while since I have posted anything new. It has been a crazy summer of swimming, playing, traveling, seeing friends and family. One of our trips this past summer was to La Crosse, Wisconsin
Hi everyone! Here is a new piece of artwork I created for my youngest son Jaxon's birthday. He turns 7 today. I can't believe how fast time has flown. I created this cute piece of cake using procreate and used
Pastel Easter Eggs
Hi everyone! Spring is finally here. It's great hearing the birds singing, flowers blooming and the weather warming up. I love it! It's definitely boosting my mood. We just finished up spring break here in KC. I started looking ahead
Find Joy in the Ordinary
Hey everyone! It is finally starting to warm up around here. Yay for Spring! I love seeing the flowers starting to emerge from the ground, hearing the birds chirp and being able to open the windows. It's the little things
Birthday Crocodile
Today is a special day! It is my youngest son's 6th birthday. I can't believe he's 6! He is in Kindergarten and has grown so much this past year. It's crazy to think I have been not working (except freelance)
Geo Color Wheel
Hi everyone! It's been a little crazy at our house the past week. After all the chaos going on in our nation and having to be under quarantine, I needed to see something colorful. I started doodling and ended up