
Cute Hello Pumpkin

Hey everyone! I can’t believe how fast November has flown by. I forgot to post this cute little pumpkin that I created this month. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating this illustration. I used Procreate to draw it out digitally and to letter “Hello Pumpkin”. This cute guy is available on prints and products in my Society6 and Redbubble shops. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family.

Find Joy in the Ordinary

Hey everyone! It is finally starting to warm up around here. Yay for Spring! I love seeing the flowers starting to emerge from the ground, hearing the birds chirp and being able to open the windows. It’s the little things that make me happy and I am finding joy in them. I love Spring because it just feels like a new start every year. This year especially feels different because of Covid. It feels like there is some hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope the year keeps looking up! This piece was drawn in Procreate and I knew that I wanted to incorporate colorful flowers. I wanted it to scream Spring and it does just that. Enjoy!

Good Thing

Hey everyone! It’s been super cold here in Kansas City this past week. I guess you could say a polar vortex. Yesterday morning was -15. I don’t think its been that cold here the whole 30 years that I have lived here. While scrolling through the web trying to stay warm, I saw a pillow that had this phrase on it. I really loved it and knew that I wanted to make some art with it. One of my favorite things are flowers and thought that it would pair well with the phrase. It definitely screams Spring and I’m so ready for it to be here instead of Winter. I just added it to my shops on prints and products.

Shop Society6:

Shop Redbubble:

Hello 2021

Bye 2020! Hello 2021! Please don’t suck like last year…pretty please! I hope everyone has a great year a head. I mean we can only go up from here. Thank you to each and everyone of you for following, encouraging and supporting me this past year. Without you all, I don’t what I would have done to keep going. I’m looking forward to bringing you some more new art and keep connecting with all of you. Cheers to a new, better and healthy year!

Happy Pumpkin Spice Season

Hey everyone! What is the first thing you think of when fall arrives? Pumpkin spice everything, of course! That is one of the things that I look forward during Fall. I’m not a huge coffee drinker but I do love pumpkin flavored desserts. Every Thanksgiving, I make a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting. I look forward to it every year! Even my brother, the pastry chef, requests me to make it. So I thought I would celebrate this wonderful flavor season with a drawing. I wanted to keep it pretty simple and classic. I think this would look great as wall art and home decor. I will definitely have to add it to my shops!

Free Spirit

Happy Wednesday! I have made it mid week of my sons first week back to all in school. Let me tell you it has been the best week of my life since March. I’m happy, my boys are happy to be back and it feels great to have an inch of normalcy back. I have been able to get so much done in the past couple of days. I saw a local boutique by me post an image of the words “Free Spirit” and knew I wanted to make a drawing out of it. I have definitely felt like a spirit the past couple of days and finally feel like me again. Free spirit is hand lettered and I drew the flowered background in Procreate. I wanted the flowers to feel Mum inspired since they are every where during the fall. I’m not going to lie, I buy quite a few pots of them every fall. I love them! I just uploaded this to my Society6 and Redbubble shops on prints and cool products.

Shop Society6-

Shop Redbubble-

Hello Autumn

Guess what everyone…..It’s officially Fall! No more wishing it was finally here. I’m ready to eat and drink everything apple and pumpkin related. Plus, I’m anxiously awaiting some cooler temps so I can wear my boots and sweaters. This weekend it will be in the 80’s in KC. Hopefully after this weekend we can finally get rid of these summer temps and just enjoy some cool, crisp weather. I think my new pup Izzy is looking forward to the cooler temps also. She is always hot and likes to lay on our air conditioner vents. So we are looking forward to some fall walks. Here is a piece that I drew digitally in my Procreate app. I wanted to make a silhouette of a leaf to house the phrase “Hello Autumn”. Plus, I included some doodles of fall related items to fill in the voids. I love the end result! Enjoy!

Ready For Fall

Hey everyone! The weather is finally cooling off in Kansas City and it feels amazing. It is so much more enjoyable to be outside. And since we got Izzy, we have been outside a lot more. Fall is my favorite season and I look forward to it every year. I can’t wait to wear sweaters with boots, pick out pumpkins, drink warm apple cider and light fall scented candles. I’m not exaggerating, it truly is my favorite.  I drew this digitally the minute there was just a slight crisp in the air. The font is my own handwriting and I love how it turned out. I’m so ready for fall….is anyone else?

Wild & Free

Hey everyone! So it’s been a pretty heartbreaking week for our family. We recently lost our beloved pup Moe. It’s been really hard on our family since it happened so unexpectedly. We really loved him and he was a big part of our family. It probably hit me the hardest. He was my big fluffy fur baby. We will forever miss him! I drew this drawing the day he passed away without know what would happen after I had sketched it out. But after he passed, the phrase seemed so fitting for the situation. He is now free from pain and he will always have his wild spunk where ever he is. I decided to just paint some pretty watercolor flowers making a circular frame around the phrase. It really turned out pretty and was very therapeutic for me to paint this past week. Enjoy!