Today I'm posting about a watercolor painting that I made as a Christmas gift. The painting was for my husbands Aunt. She is a librarian and her last name is Fish. So it was natural to have the idea of

Hey everyone! Today I'm posting a pet portrait that I was commissioned to make. I was referred to her by a dear friend on a group in Facebook. It's amazing what referrals and recommendations can do. I appreciate them all!

It's the weekend finally! We have removed all signs of Christmas from our house and we feel like we can finally relax. I'm excited that our normal schedule will be going back to normal soon. Since Christmas is over, I

Hi everyone! So Thanksgiving is over with and now it's starting to feel like Christmas. Which also means the weather is going to get crazy and cold. The one thing I do enjoy about the cold weather is getting to

It's a crazy weather weekend here in Kansas City! We had crazy winds and rain during Saturday during both of my son's baseball games. We woke up to a very dreary dark day with lots of rain. So needless to

It's the weekend! The weather is finally nice and it feels good to be outside. Here are some 5x7 watercolor paintings that I have done recently. I love all the artwork and items that are very state driven right now.

It's finally Friday! It's been kind of a crazy week full of projects and helping out with my son's fun fair at school tonight. This painting is very fitting with the fun fair theme this year of camp. It should

I recently was commissioned to create this cute, colorful 12 month and 4 seasons art wheel. The seasons and the months are in French per request. Each month has a small illustration that represents an activity or holiday within it.

It's the weekend! And it has snowed yet again over night in Kansas City. I think it's safe to say that everyone is way over Winter this year. When will Spring finally come? I'm ready! I was really happy when