
Book Fish

Today I’m posting about a watercolor painting that I made as a Christmas gift. The painting was for my husbands Aunt. She is a librarian and her last name is Fish. So it was natural to have the idea of a cute fish reading books in its fish bowl. It was really fun to come up with concept. I really enjoy making home made gifts for people, especially family. The painting is about 5×7 in size and will be perfect for her office or a little reading nook. If you need any custom art or paintings made, shoot me a message! I would love to help!

Cat & Dog Pet Portrait

Hey everyone! Today I’m posting a pet portrait that I was commissioned to make. I was referred to her by a dear friend on a group in Facebook. It’s amazing what referrals and recommendations can do. I appreciate them all! I painted a pet portrait of her cat and dog together out of watercolor. I used photos for reference. Below are some of the process photos of the portrait. I love painting animals! If you are in the need for a pet portrait, send me a message for a quote!

Watercolor Quilt Pattern

It’s the weekend finally! We have removed all signs of Christmas from our house and we feel like we can finally relax. I’m excited that our normal schedule will be going back to normal soon. Since Christmas is over, I can finally post some the projects and gifts that I worked on leading up to the holiday season. I made this watercolor painting for my husband’s Grandma who loves to make quilts. I tried to mimic the threads and pattern on a quilt. To get the crisp white lines, I used some painters tape. After everything was watercolored and dried, I used a silver metallic gel pen to draw patterns on top represent the top stitching that quilts usually have. His Grandma loved the painting and I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Hello Winter

Hi everyone! So Thanksgiving is over with and now it’s starting to feel like Christmas. Which also means the weather is going to get crazy and cold. The one thing I do enjoy about the cold weather is getting to wear hats and scarves. I love the feeling of being cozy! I began this sketch before Thanksgiving, but wasn’t able to finish it until this week due to the holiday craziness and everyone being sick in my house. So here is the finished piece. I used watercolor to color everything in and outlined it with a micron pen. I love using microns with watercolor because they do not bleed when touched with water. This piece is available in my Society6 and Redbubble shops!


Squirrel Catching Acorns

It’s a crazy weather weekend here in Kansas City! We had crazy winds and rain during Saturday during both of my son’s baseball games. We woke up to a very dreary dark day with lots of rain. So needless to say, my Sunday is going to be pretty lazy. This weather makes me sleepy! Here is a drawing that I drew in my sketchbook this past week. I drew it out and outlined it in pen. I used watercolor to bring color to this cute squirrel and his acorns. I really like the personality the watercolor brought to this little sketch in my notebook. I’m hoping this sketch will help bring Fall soon. Enjoy!


Home State

It’s the weekend! The weather is finally nice and it feels good to be outside. Here are some 5×7 watercolor paintings that I have done recently. I love all the artwork and items that are very state driven right now. I kind of wanted to put my own spin on it. Whenever we are traveling, I love taking cloud pictures and I kind of wanted to embrace that in these paintings. Since we live pretty close to the state border of Kansas and Missouri, I had to do both states. I also chose Wisconsin, because my husbands family lives there. If you are interested in a painting of your home state, send me a message! They are $15 for a 5×7 and $35 for a 8×10.

Camp Sunset

It’s finally Friday! It’s been kind of a crazy week full of projects and helping out with my son’s fun fair at school tonight. This painting is very fitting with the fun fair theme this year of camp. It should be a fun night of games, crafts, prizes and good food. This painting was created with watercolor and black pen. I used my silhouette to cut a circular shape out of vinyl and placed it on my watercolor paper before I started to paint. After I finished, I just peeled off the vinyl to reveal a perfect circle. So easy and effective! I think I will keep using the technique on future projects.

A tent below snow capped mountains at sunset

Custom Month Wheel

I recently was commissioned to create this cute, colorful 12 month and 4 seasons art wheel. The seasons and the months are in French per request. Each month has a small illustration that represents an activity or holiday within it. I started out this painting by making a mock up on my computer to help space out all the months evenly. I then transferred that mock up onto my watercolor paper with watercolor pencils. Once that is finished, I can start painting and filling in with other watercolors. It took some time to complete this because I needed to make sure each section was dry to continue to the next one. If I didn’t let them dry, they would bleed into each other and that would be no good. Once everything was dry, I outlined everything in black pen and added all the text that was needed. I really like how this piece turned out. The final size was 12″ by 12″. If you need any custom artwork made, send me a message. I love creating custom art!

Ms. Fox

It’s the weekend! And it has snowed yet again over night in Kansas City. I think it’s safe to say that everyone is way over Winter this year. When will Spring finally come? I’m ready! I was really happy when a good friend of mine asked me to do a small painting for her daughter of a fox. It’s exactly the piece I needed to help boost my mood and at least paint something Spring. This cute little 5×7 piece was painted with watercolor. I love how it turned out! If you need a piece of artwork created for you, send me a message! I love doing custom artwork!