Majestically Awkward Flamingo

I saw a t-shirt recently with this phrase and a flamingo…I loved it! I know it has been done, but I wanted to put my own spin on it. When I think of flamingos, it reminds me of my college days. For one of our assignments for core studio classes, my friend Christine decided to do a really cool oil painting of a flock of flamingos from the Kansas City Zoo. My boyfriend, Bryant (who is now my husband), told Christine that he could draw flamingos way better than she could. He proceeded to sit at my studio desk and create his masterpiece, which consisted of 4 squiggly pink lines that maybe had some legs. We all laughed hysterically! He is a horrible artist and will openly admit it. We displayed it on our studio wall until we graduated. Now it has become an inside joke between all of us and they started to exchange flamingo gifts to each other through the years. Sketch made with pen and marker.