Stay Home

Hey everyone! I recently did this drawing because of the scenario that is happening around us. But then I saw that people were protesting to open everything up again….let me just say, how stupid!! I do understand the argument of people suffering from not being able to work and not being able to provide for their families. Which is unfortunate and we should live in a country that supports everyone in an event like this.  I will be the first person to say that I hate being stuck at home and not being able to do the things I enjoy most. But getting out to “buy things” and getting your “hair cut” is not a valid reason to open up the economy to risk more people getting sick and more deaths. It will just make everything spike again and we will have to just restart this process all over again. I think these people are incredibly selfish. So this drawing means even more than when I first drew it. Stay healthy, stay strong, stay safe and for heavens sake just stay home!